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Tokyo Linux Users Group


All Linux lovers, and supporters of open source code and free software, in the Kanto area (or anywhere else) are invited to attend the next Tokyo Linux Users Group meeting. Membership is open to anyone. There are currently no membership dues or entrance fees.

TLUG meetings are traditionally small and unstructured (VERY CASUAL). Most of the benefit of the meeting comes from chatting with other Linux users and having informal discussions.

As a general rule, the Technical Meetings are held on the 2nd SAT of the month and the Nomikai Meetings are usually held on the 3rd FRI, every month. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, so it is best to keep an eye on the mailing list, or check back here for date/venue changes as the date approaches.

Technical Meeting


July 10, 2010 (Saturday)


14:00-16:30 (doors open 13:30)


Oracle Japan Corporation
東京都港区北青山2-5-8 オラクル青山センター 13F
Oracle Aoyama Center, 13th floor
2-5-8 Kita-Aoyama,
Minato-ku Tokyo Japan
[ Train ]


<< Presentation (1) >>

“BASH (Basic Asterisk Security Hacks)” By Simon Gibson

Simon Gibson will talk about basic security for Asterisk PBX and other SIP / VoIP systems.

<< Break >>

Short break (maybe)

<< Presentation (2) >>

“Linux on vmware” by Masafumi Ohta

Masafumi Ohta will talk about running Linux under Vmware ESXi on a laptop. The talk will include some demonstrations.

Other items on the agenda are:
  1. Introduction of new members (possibly in combination with the OpenSolaris user group)
  2. News about Linux/Open Source, general announcements, Q&A
  3. Auction (bring any gear that would would like to donate to TLUG)


As we have changed the meeting venue, please try to come on time. You will need to collect a pass at the 2nd floor lobby to enter and exit the building

Contact Info

For directions or information before the meeting, call:

2010:06 06



July 23, 2010 (Friday)


19:30 - 21:30


Eat and drink (primarily a social activity)


Town Cryer, Hibiya
Hibiya Central Bldg B1
1-2-9 Nishishinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
[ Info and Map (English/Japanese) ] [ Menu ]




This event is open to all Linux users and friends, and is to promote casual Linux (and non-Linux) related discussions over a few cold ones. Even if you're not a Linux user or a LUG member, but want to hang out with Linux people, please come.

Even if you want to come at the last minute it's okay - we may have to squeeze a bit, but please come!

Contact Info

For directions or information before the meeting, call: