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Tokyo Linux Users Group

Meeting / 2008 - 05

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TLUG officer elections:


NOTICE: schedule has been changed. Josh goes first.

(1) “Test Driven Development with Eclipse” by Josh Glover

(*) short break (maybe)

(2) “TOMOYO Linux Overview” by TOMOYO Linux Project. (Approx. 50 min)

  1. Project Overview (Toshiharu Harada) 3min
    if you have gmail account, please join on-line
    TOMOYO Linux is a Mandatory Access Control extension to Linux. The project has been trying to have their code to be merged in the mainline Linux kernel. Recent LWN article by Jonathan Corbet, “TOMOYO Linux and pathname-based security” is a great summary of the past and the current status. If you are familiar with SELinux or AppArmor, the comparison chart should give the shortest way to understand TOMOYO Linux.
  2. LiveCD demonstration (Kentaro Takeda)
    Yes, it's easier than you think. You don't have to wait the tech meeting to try TOMOYO Linux LiveCD. http://tomoyo.sourceforge.jp/wiki-e/?TomoyoLive
  3. “Why” TOMOYO Linux? (Tetsuo Handa)
    Main architect of TOMOYO Linux, Tetsuo Handa, will give short talk on in-depth fundamental design of TOMOYO Linux for TLUG.
  4. Q&A

Contact: haradats_at_gmail.com (Toshiharu Harada, project manager)

Other Items on the Agenda

  1. Introduction of new members, news about Linux/Open Source, general announcements, Q&A
  2. Auction (bring any gear that would would like to donate to TLUG)

2008:05 05